Frequently Asked Questions

What happens in a Pole Fitness Class?
-Complete warm up
-Learn kick ass moves, spins, holds, inverts and sequences depending on level
-Become stronger, more mobile, more confident
-Make friends
-Cool down
-Leave feeling like Super Woman
Who can do it?
-There is somewhere to start for everyone
-Regardless of current upper body strength or weight you will be challenged and supported by our fantastic instructors
-All ages over 18 are welcome, there is a great variety of ages in our classes
What should I wear?
-To start with you can wear whatever you are comfortable exercising in
-As you progress and become more confident you may find shorts and vest tops useful
-Do not moisturise the day before a pole class as this will affect your grip on the pole
-We don’t wear heels in classes however occasionally there may be a workshop where heels are allowed
Can I come by myself? -Of course, sharing poles means making friends!
-We have an inclusive policy and positive atmosphere at Get Fit and Fly so we aim to make you feel as welcome as possible
How do I get better at Pole Fitness?
-Be consistent at coming to class
-Attending our conditioning and flexibility class ‘Strong and Flexy’ will aid your progress on the pole
How do I get started?
-Sign up for our 2 week trial
-Sign up for a drop in Beginners class